Separation from the Norm


As I’ve gotten older and experienced many aspects of life, I have come to realize that change is inevitable.  A lot of times we are reluctant to change but what God has shown me is that as we grow and mature on a daily basis there may be times when He has to pull us away from our regular routine in order to take us to a new dimension in Him.  I like to think of it like this, He has to separate us in order to elevate us.  I remember a few years after I graduated from college, I got a new job and I was extremely excited about it.  I was going to become a flight attendant.  I’d be doing something I never even thought about doing, heck I had only been on an airplane once before even getting the job.  But, deep down inside I knew this was the change I needed.  What I didn’t realize nonetheless was that I would have to leave everything I knew to take this job.  I had to leave Florida, where all of my friends and family were located, and go up to Atlanta.  Now, technically for the job it was not required that I move, but for God it was a requirement.  This was what He told me I had to do, so I did it.  When I first moved to Georgia, I felt so alone and out of place, even though I loved my new job.  What I had to realize was that God was separating me from my comfort zone.  I had gotten so comfortable with the things, places and people around me He was pulling me to a place where it would be just Him and I.  A place where He could change and rearrange some things in my life that could have never happened had I stayed where I was.

When you are stretched out of your comfort zone or separated from the norm it can be a very testing, challenging and grueling experience and for me it was all of the aforementioned plus some.  But why is that?  If we know that change is inevitable, why are we so reluctant?  Why does it feel as though it is such a difficult journey?  I know personally, the reason it was so tough is because I did not understand what was going on or why.  We all desire understanding, especially in the midst of undesirable situations but there will be times when we just don’t get it.  The understanding comes after it is over and sometimes it never comes at all.  That is like the clay trying to understand the potter while it’s being molded into a vase or something, it just won’t happen.

Separation brings elevation.  Try not to focus on the situation while you are going through, focus on what the outcome will be once it is over.  As the saying goes, there is light at the end of the tunnel.  You just gotta make your way through that tunnel full speed ahead with your eyes wide open so you can see the end.  If you don’t understand anything else, know that there is purpose behind any shift, change or alteration that comes your way.  God is calling you higher, how will you respond?  #iDeclare #separationfromthenorm

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Father God in the name of Jesus, I come humbly before your throne of grace.  I come to give you thanks just for being who you are.  Thank you God for the shift and the changes that are taking place in my life.  In times when I don’t understand why, please help me to stay focused and increase my faith and trust in you.  I decree and declare that there is purpose behind every shift, change and alteration taking place in my life and instead of running from it, I will embrace it.  Thank you Jesus for being such an awesome God.  In Jesus name, Amen.

Scripture Readings:

Ephesians 2:10 ESV “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

Romans 12:2 NLT “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”

One thought on “Separation from the Norm

  1. Great Post! Separation brings Elevation! Very true. I have noticed this in my own life. Only when God separates me from my comfort zone can I see things for what they really are, and exercise my true potential by relying on Him.

    Also remember, coal has to be pressured in isolation before it can become a diamond.



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